Midlife Musings

Beware the Ides of March

An ill wind is blowing… quite literally. The spread of the corona virus is imminent, despite what the American public wants to believe. It can happen to any of us. I return to work tomorrow. I have concerns over what I will encounter.

I got the news this week that our school district is closing for another week. This past week was supposed to be Spring Break, but we ended up not going anywhere. It seems too risky. No where is safe when it comes to an airborne virus. It could be anywhere, transported by anyone. Every cough is suspect. Every sneeze carries with it millions of unknown cooties.

It is literally the worst possible time to proceed with business as usual. Whole countries are shut down, but not here. I miss the big city, but I am glad in this moment that I am not living in New York City. That, and other areas of dense population are just going to be hotbeds of viral activity.

I just want to sanitize everything.

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